Thursday, July 14, 2011

Be Careful Little Eyes What You See

The world is full of tricks and traps to entice us with things that are appealing but are contrary to the spirit. It's definitely much worse in our 2k generation. It's so important to monitor what we allow in our homes. Some call it sheltering but I call it protecting. Remember that song we all used to sing in Sunday School? "Oh be careful little eyes what you see... for the Father up above is looking down with love." We decide what we watch, what we listen to, what we wear, what we say. We have a choice. It may sound juvenile but if we would all just ask ourselves if (fill in the blank) will make God happy or unhappy, we'd save ourselves a ton of regret.

Honestly, you almost have to become a monk just to avoid the sin epidemic that is attacking our senses on a daily basis. Men have an especially hard time ignoring temptation. Turning on the TV is a risk in itself. Apparently, sex sells so commercials especially take full advantage of that by incorporating bikini swimsuits and lingerie in between sports games and television shows. Who watches sports? Men. Nine times out of ten the women who watch are doings so next to their husband or boyfriend. So is it coincidental? God forbid. Since Satan is the prince of the power of the air, (Ephesians 2:2) he is the one behind it all. Sometimes I feel like taking a sledge hammer to that one-eyed monster. Even the PG-13 movies are inappropriate adults, not to mention, a child. We've come a long way from the wholesome 60's. There is no modesty in clothing or just pure feminine etiquette. I almost wish their entire gender would adapt the Islamic dress code to keep their skin covered. Whether a woman in a short skin-tight dress is walking down the street or on the TV screen, I don't want to see it. It doesn't take much for our brain to remember an image. Because I'm a Christian man, I'm aware that committing adultery by God's standard is more than a physical act (Matthew 5:28.) Besides the fact it would be disrespectful to my wife to look lustfully at another woman, its a sin against God. It seems everywhere we turn there is temptation but I've found that if and when I keep my mind stayed on Jesus, there's an eclipse of desire. All that formed habits consist of is repetition of the same act. If we consistently place God before (fill in the blank) then He becomes the nucleus of our decision making. Our flesh has to be tamed and trained. There are certain male traits that are stereotypical and happen to be accurate but there should be a difference between a man and a man of God. It all depends whether we function carnally or spiritually. The two cannot co-exist with the expectation of living a life God can smile at. There should be a drastic decline of sin our life that is always heading toward the direction of holiness. By dying daily to our flesh we become closer to the likeness of Christ.   

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